Address, IFSC code, branch contact number etc of Uco Bank, Worli Mumbai Branch is given below. You may contact the branch or the Customer Care number of the bank information relating to your ifsc code UCBA0000265 bank account.
IFSC Code: UCBA0000265
IFSC Code UCBA0000265 Uco Bank Worli Mumbai Branch | |
Bank Name | Uco Bank |
IFSC Code | UCBA0000265 (used for RTGS and NEFT transactions) |
MICR Code | 400028035 |
Branch | Worli Mumbai |
State | Maharashtra |
District | Mumbai |
City | Mumbai |
Address | Century Bhavan,dr.aniebesant Rd.worli 400025 |
Contact Phone | 24383096 |
Along with your account number, account name and account type (ie., savings or current) the following information about the branch is to be provided for fund transfer:
- Bank Name : Uco Bank
- Branch Name : Worli Mumbai
- IFSC Code : UCBA0000265
- Location : Mumbai, Maharashtra