Get IFSC and MICR code of Punjab National Bank Mukandgarh branch in Mukundgarh city or district, Rajasthan state along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down.
IFSC Code: PUNB0971500
Punjab National Bank IFSC Code, Mukandgarh Branch Mukundgarh in Rajasthan | |
Bank Name | Punjab National Bank |
IFSC Code | PUNB0971500 (used for RTGS and NEFT transactions) |
MICR Code | 333024029 |
Branch | Mukandgarh |
State | Rajasthan |
District | Mukundgarh |
Branch Code | 971500 (Last six characters of IFSC code represent Branch code.) |
Contact | 9999999999 |
Email Address | |
Website | |
Customer No. |
Along with your account number, account name and account type (ie., savings or current) the following information about the branch is to be provided for fund transfer:
- Bank Name : Punjab National Bank
- Branch Name : Mukandgarh
- IFSC Code : PUNB0971500
- Location : Mukundgarh, Rajasthan
OR Choose other Branch From Punjab National Bank Mukundgarh Listed Below
What is Punjab National Bank Mukandgarh IFSC Code.
Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is a eleven digit code provided by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for identifying bank branches in India individually. This code is used for NEFT and RTGS.
The code consists of 11 characters. The first part is the first four alphabet characters represent the Bank. Next character is zero(0), which is reserved for use in the future. The last six characters are the branch code.
The Punjab National Bank IFSC code is 11 characters?
Example: PUNB0971500
- PUNB The first four digits of the IFSC code represents the name of the Punjab National Bank.
- The fifth digit is ‘zero’ (0),
- 971500 The last 6 digits denote the name of the specific Punjab National Bank Mukandgarh branch
What is Punjab National Bank Mukandgarh IFSC Code?
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) is a printing technology that is used to print alpha-numeric details. MICR Code is printed on cheques and they allow the cheque to be processed easily.
Mukandgarh Branch InformationIndian Financial System Code, Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, SWIFT Code, Address and Contact number of Punjab National Bank - Mukandgarh branch in Mukundgarh district which is in the state of Rajasthan . Branch office and ATM location.
What is Punjab National Bank Rajasthan Mukundgarh Mukandgarh RTGS?
Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) is a fund transfer mechanism which is used to transfer money from one bank to another. This gross basis transfer happens in realtime, hence the name. Minimum amount that can be transferred through RTGS is Rs. 2,00,000. Fees to process RTGS will be applicable.
What is Punjab National Bank Rajasthan Mukandgarh Mukundgarh NEFT?
National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) is an online money transfer system which is supported by RBI. NEFT is used for medium and small amount transfer between accounts and banks. There is no minimum amount limit to send money via NEFT.
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